
Feel like you're spending a lot of time, money, and guesswork for real estate lead generation that’s not bringing in the results you expect? You're not alone. As any real estate agent knows, having a mountain of leads doesn't guarantee success. What truly matters is converting those leads into loyal clients.  

So, how do you guide them through the buying or selling journey and make them choose you? We've put together this list of strategies to help move your leads down your sales funnel and turn them into closed deals. 


Strategy #1: Add new technology to your lead gen  

From automating targeted social media ads to creating engaging landing pages, software offers an easy way to transform your lead generation strategy. Laser-targeted social media ads put your expertise in front of qualified buyers actively searching your area, while powerful CRMs keep your contacts organized and engaged with automated email drip campaigns and more.  

This tech-powered approach lets you showcase your knowledge and build trust with clients, too. 

Lone Wolf Leads+ is the turnkey lead generation and qualification software that’s made precisely for helping real estate agents like you take the time and guesswork out of gathering up new client leads.  

NEW: In addition to lead generation and qualification for seller leads, buyer leads for Leads+ have launched. Both seller and buyer leads are now available in both the U.S. and Canada! 

All you have to do is choose your lead type—buyers, sellers, or both—and your target market(s). Select the market area within which to generate home seller leads (these are public use market areas). Leads+ will set up a digital ad campaign and an accompanying landing page with a form to reach new client leads and gather their contact information. 

This is when you get involved:  

When a new lead comes in, you’ll receive an automatic notification email to let you know that the lead qualification process will begin.  

Key details on the potential client, like name, ideal move timeframe, price range, and number of BR/BA are included, based on what the potential client provided in the lead generation intake form.  Those contact details also go directly into the LionDesk CRM database for agents and brokers to either manage and track there or export out to another CRM.   


Strategy #2: Ensure buyer and seller leads are qualified 

Effective lead qualification is the secret weapon to increase your conversion rate. By focusing on truly motivated prospects, you maximize your time and effort in converting them into clients.  

Doing your own lead qualification requires insightful research, actively listening to responses, and analyzing situations. This can be time-consuming and challenging, especially if you have a large lead pool. But again, there’s tech for that! 

The CRM built into Leads+ will automatically begin the qualification process for new leads, first through text to gauge interest, and then with a follow-up call to discuss a client's home selling (and soon buying) interests and their needs further. Once a lead has been vetted through, you’ll receive a notification email so you can take over the communication directly with the client. 


Strategy #3: Connect with and nurture new leads immediately—and consistently 

Today's house hunters are mobile-first, using their phones to research and reach out to agents on the go. This means they can contact multiple agents in minutes, and the agent who responds fastest has a significant edge. 

Be sure to connect with these hot leads! Make immediate contact a priority with a quick text or phone call. When you do connect with your buyer or seller leads, come prepared with market insights, properties of interest, and key trends based on what you’ve learned by reading through the lead qualification communications. 

This personalized interaction and quick responsiveness builds trust and can turn a quick inquiry into a successful sale. 

Here are a few other ways you can nurture you leads:  

  • Personalized bulk emailing: Nurture leads with bulk emails sent to a targeted group of contacts, saving time and effort compared to sending individual emails.
  • Share CMA reports: Offer a free CMA to help your leads understand the value of their potential purchase or sale. They will appreciate the reports that feature comps with large photos and property details, interactive graphs that showcase recent market activity, content pages that help address any concerns about the selling process, and more.
  • Stay connected: Don't disappear after the deal closes. Send a housewarming gift, offer regular market updates, or reach out on important anniversaries via text, email, or phone call. This fosters a long-term relationship and positions you as the go-to agent for their future needs or referrals.


We get it. You're busy meeting with clients, hosting open houses, closing deals, but there's always time to generate hot leads, keep your lead follow-up game strong, and maximize your ROI as the competition heats up. Remember, you don’t have to go at it alone with tools like Leads+, real estate CRMs, and more within your reach. 

Ready to find and convert more leads to finish out the second half of 2024 strong? Let’s talk!