Cloud Agent Suite

Give your members a win condition in any market.

For real estate agents, every interaction can be the difference between winning and losing. Give them the power to win with software that helps them stand apart from the competition.

Set your members apart for buyers and sellers.

With beautifully detailed comparative market analysis reports and so much more, your members will be the ones that draw in and win over clients.

Lone Wolf Enterprise Cloud Agent Suite product Market Analysis screenshot on laptop

Stunning reports

Cloud CMA

Help members create aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly CMA reports that work on any device—and give clients a complete picture of the neighborhood.


Real-time text alerts

Cloud Streams

Give members a new way to win with lightning-fast listing alerts that help their buyers be the first ones in the know—so they can find and close on their home faster.


Automated reports


Keep your members top of mind for potential sellers with automated, live CMA sends that show past clients how their home measures up in the current market.


Easier searches

Cloud MLX

Transform the way members and clients search your MLS for listings with a simple interface that lets them save searches, create custom areas, and set up collections for later.

Bonus! Give your members the power of choice.

Whether they want digital CMA and buyer tour reports or would prefer a hard copy in their hands—or both—our software helps you make that happen for them.

Bring your systems together.

Multiple MLS systems? Consolidate them with Cloud MLX, so you can make sure members can access the information they need—without worrying about which system has the listing they’re looking for.

Make your member benefit work for you, too.

We know every organization needs something a little unique. Set up your member benefit to work for your organization with simple integrations that make a difference.

A screen displaying a list of options prominently displays a big green Cloud CMA button.

Give members simple access.

With our launch button integration, you can add a Cloud CMA or Cloud Streams button in your MLS interface—so members can access their searches or listing alerts directly from a listing.

A white button displays the text 'Your MLS... Sign In'

Keep systems connected.

Control access to member benefits and cut down on extra passwords for your members with a single sign-on (SSO) integration that logs them into their member benefit whenever they sign into your MLS system.

A screen shows simplified lines of text representing a computer programming language.

Customize your connections.

Have something specific in mind for reports and listing data? We’ll work with your organization to build the connections your members need with our Cloud CMA API.

Trusted by the nation’s best.

Join the hundreds of MLSs that use our software to help agents get more done and look awesome in front of their clients.

ARMLS logo
Bright MLS Logo
Northstar MLS Logo
Northwest MLS Logo
REColorado MLS Logo

How we can work together

Revenue-sharing program

We’ll partner with you to create an RETS feed, and provide resources to help you promote our software to your members for shared profits.

Learn more

Member benefit

For a flat, heavily discounted fee based on agent count, we’ll provide our software to your members.

Learn more

Let's talk about how we can help your members win.

Fill out the form below and one of our experts will reach out to answer any questions you may have.