The Wolf Pack
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Wolf Pack is the community account from Lone Wolf Technologies. We share information on product updates, product launches, tip sheets, important notifications and more!

Latest Blog Posts
Displaying: 121 - 130 of 214
  • March 23, 2017

    WEBINAR: Get Past the Hype - Brokerage tech you actually need!

    Do you ever feel out of touch with modern technology? Don't worry, we all do! What you're feeling is called 'tech envy'. The world is changing. Innovation is everywhere. The real estate industry is no different. Whether or not your brokerage uses…

  • March 22, 2017

    3 Technology Changes Occurring In Real Estate—Right Now

    The real estate tech world is changing. Are you changing with it? These changes are affecting the consumer's real estate experience, how agents interact with their clients and even, the way people live. These changes are a direct result of three…

  • March 17, 2017

    Green Things to Celebrate on Saint Patrick's Day!

    In honor of the Patron Saint of Ireland and our Celtic friends around the world, let's join together and celebrate these 3 green things sought after by brokerages everywhere. 1. Money At the end of the day, money is more than just accounting. It's…

  • March 15, 2017

    The Fight vs. Flight Reaction to New Technology

    What is tech envy? Tech envy is a pervasive feeling that can inflict people and businesses alike. It's the feeling of being out of touch. That time has passed you by. That there is so much technology out there that the prospect of getting…

  • February 27, 2017

    All of a Sudden the Future is Real: Are You Ready?

    You go to a café, order a drink and sit down. You start working on your laptop. Your phone buzzes with emails, texts. You're connected to the office. Confident in your technology. But as you look around, you notice things.

  • February 14, 2017

    Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Thought Leader?

    Thought leadership is not an exclusive thing. Professional musicians may not know much in the way of real estate, but they can tell you all about sound engineering. My oldest son, 6, can opine at depth on video game YouTubers and I'll learn…

  • February 5, 2017

    Family Day Holiday Hours

    Our Cambridge, Ontario office will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2017 for Family Day. A reduced support crew will be available in our head office to handle your urgent brokerWOLF and WOLFconnect requests. All other offices will be open.

  • January 27, 2017

    Can You Sell Your Brand in Six Seconds?

    Vine may be dead. But the six second video thing is still alive. And getting some serious play from Google. Their recent push behind six second video content presents an intriguing opportunity for real estate brokerages to sell their brand to a…

  • January 10, 2017

    5 Inspirational Quotes to Start Your Real Estate Business Off Right

    Starting a new real estate brokerage in 2017 or just thinking about it? Treading into uncharted territory can be a trial of your physical and mental fortitude. Sometimes it takes a little inspiration from seasoned professionals to make the dream a…

  • January 4, 2017

    Demystify Social Media Myths

    The “In-Thing” in today’s world is Social Media. Social media has become a field where everyone wants to be a master but most are clueless on how. In one of our previous blogs, we spoke about using social media the right way. This blog was a…